Chair - Jason Scott
Our first beautiful beardie was Mollie (Kittistone Isle of Wolves), she was a dream and soon settledĀ into our hearts. Ruby (Charncroft Chianti) became our second Beardie, a beautiful girl who won her way to Crufts, had two lovely litters, and quicky became best mates with Mollie.
Wanting to help promote this vulnerable breed, I have been on the main Bearded Collie Club committee for about 16 years, 14 years as Membership Secretary and now as branch Chairman. We are aiming to organise fun and training events for all branch members, so our wonderful beardies will continue to capture the hearts of others.

Secretary - Lynne Walker
Our first dog was a Beardie. He stole our hearts and we are now, 30 years later, on our 5th one, each one a different character. Just love this breed and have been a member of the club since that first boy all those years ago.
I don't show dogs, but enjoy meeting lovely beardie owners at all the fun club events. This photo is of me with our latest, Arnold at an Obedience fun day

Treasurer - Ken Ransom
I have been lucky enough to have had Beardies in my life for over 40 years, at one stage we were owned by 6 Beardies. We have had 4 litters and that was a fantastic experience, hard work but worth it when you see them going off to their forever homes.
I have shown my girls at both Champ shows and Open shows and four managed to qualify for Crufts. We have also enjoyed agility and obedience.
I have been on the branch committee for over 25 years, about 15 of those as treasurer. I was also on the main BCC committee, serving 9 years as the club Show Manager for both the Open and Champ shows.